Waties Island Nest Count

Friday, August 19, 2016

Update from Thursday on Nest 10

It was what Bill called his "best Thursday morning, EVER" and it is understandable - beautiful sunrise, birds, jellies, a snake! and lots of baby loggerheads too.

The volunteers first saw more tracks leading toward the ocean but as they were there, they saw that more turtles were still making their way to the surface. This nest has at least an extra 1 to 2 feet of sand that accumulated on top of the original nest making it a hard job of getting out. While they were there, they saw about 22 baby loggerheads start their journey.

It isn't very often that loggerheads emerge during the day, so this was a very special morning for sure!

The buried sign but an emergence hole in the sand

Hatchling tracks

They had a bit of a walk to the ocean

One of the 22 they got to see come out
The long walk
Not poisonous thankfully
 Post by Barb D, photos from Thursday team

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