Waties Island Nest Count

Friday, April 28, 2023

Friday, April 28th - Nesting season starts on Monday, May 1st

We had a Meet and Greet meeting yesterday and it was attended by a number of our new, returning, and our veteran volunteers.  Our new volunteers were able to experience the drive to the shed in the daylight vs seeing it for the first time in the dark.  Our sign in process was covered and they got to explore the shed and meet the other new volunteers and LOAs who attended.  Thank you for coming out, and it is nice to meet volunteers in the daylight.  

All of the start up work has been completed - supplies, Log Book, Numbered Markers, and buckets on poles are on the beach.  So everyone knows, the bucket and poles for Marker 5 are located at the base of the dune.  There was not a safe place to locate them by the Marker post.

There are four cages on the beach, they are for a CCU student's research project, they do not need to be checked.  Two are located toward Hog Inlet, and two toward the jetty, all are close to the Beach Access Road.

There is work being done around the shed, trees being removed and cut down.  Your LOA will keep you apprised if we need to change our parking habits. 

You will hear from your LOA shortly about start times, and contact information.

If you wish to order a shirt, hat or visor, please get your order in ASAP.  The cut off date is May 7th.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Monday, April 24th - one week before the 2023 Sea Turtle Nesting season starts in South Carolina

The anticipation and enthusiasm for the new nesting season is fast approaching.  Our volunteers have been assigned to a walking team walking team, supplies have been purchased, and all other things have been completed.

I came across this youtube instructional video about the Loggerhead Sea Turtle and thought it was worth sharing.  This video is produced by Leah who is an Educator and Biologist for the state of South Carolina.  I have been given permission to re-post this very informative video.  I hope you enjoy, this is a great refresher for our veteran volunteers and very informative for our new volunteers.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Tuesday, April 19th - 2023 Sea Turtle Nesting Season soon to begin - May 1st

 Many thanks to our returning volunteers, and to our new volunteers.  Your commitment and enthusiasm is greatly appreciated.  All Volunteer Applications have been received, and the teams have been created. I am happy to report that everyone that submitted a form has been assigned on a team.  I wanted to thank those who I have contacted to see if they would change their selected day.  These volunteers graciously moved to another day,   I am so thankful that I did not have to make an executive decision and move people.  All daily teams are full and we have a number of substitute volunteers to cover when needed.

The leads have been working behind the scenes, we have built some additional nest cages, cleaned up the shed, and supplies purchased and stocked.  As we get closer to May 1st, the remaining things will be done.

One of our administrative things to start work on, is the distribution of our merchandise order form for t-shirts, hats and visors.  These items are not mandatory, but if you wish to purchase the form has been sent to you.

Additional instructional emails will be sent out as we get closer to May 1st.


 This volunteer group is covered and permitted by SCDNR MTP 500.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Loggerhead Sea Turtle Genetics Project

Hi all - I am sharing the following information about the Loggerhead Sea Turtle Genetics Project.  The Waties Island Sea Turtle Monitoring Program, associated to the SCDNR Marine Turtle Conservation Program, has participated in the multi-state project along with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, the North Carolina Wildlife and Resources Commission and the University of Georgia to answer several basic loggerhead sea turtle nesting questions. The answers to these questions will help biologists better understand the status of the loggerhead population. Currently, the actual number of loggerhead sea turtles that nest in South Carolina is not known. This project uses DNA genetic fingerprinting (CSI for sea turtles) to identify individual loggerhead nesting females, how many nests they are laying each year, and how long they go in between nesting years. This information will provide a much more accurate census of the actual nesting population. 

The Waties Island Sea Turtle Monitoring Program volunteers do their part for this genetic project by collecting a DNA sample (eggshell from each nest) which is sent to the University of Georgia for analysis.  This project was funded by a grant from NOAA fisheries since 2010.  NOAA Fisheries has moved their focus from the sea turtle to the Atlantic Sturgeon, so hoping that sea turtle lovers may wish to contribute to this cause.  Information for donations are noted on the flyer.  (This information posted under SCDNR MTP 500.)