Waties Island Nest Count

Friday, May 31, 2019

May 31 Another False Crawl ( FC # 7)

After three false crawls on Thursday high on the upper end of the island, the Friday walkers were met with another one, this time between Markers 7 and 8. We believe this turtle is impaired by a missing back flipper, making it difficult to dig an egg chamber. Her track is about 39 inches wide, which means she is a big turtle. The track is distinctive in that it is asymmetrical due to her being unbalanced by her impairment.
Pictures by Angelos
Post by Paulette
Dave found the crawl above marker 7

Angelos tested the sand for soft spots in the turn
of the crawl just in case

This is a shot made on Thursday by Angelos of four
false crawls. One from Monday all the way back by the
jetty rocks and three from Thursday.

This is from one of the false crawls on Thursday. She
attempted to dig an egg chamber.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

May 29th

With all the near hundred degree temperatures we are having, we expected a hot, muggy and buggy walk, but ended up with a very pleasant, bug free breeze. 

As we were walking towards the entrance to the beach, someone spotted a snake.  Couldn't make out what type of snake it was with all the sand on it.

 Nest 4, laid yesterday 5/28, had a very small crab hole at the nest sight.  Looked like a small crab had started to dig and changed its mind.  We simply smoothed over the sight and left it be.

                                  Caught a crab in the trap at nest 1.  Emptied it and reset it.

                                       At nest 3 we found another Ghost Crab hole.

Though it was not very big, it was deeper.  We didn't see the crab, but because there were many crab holes and tracks around the nest, we decided to put the trap in. 

 With all the trouble we have been having with Ghost Crabs, we decided not to take any chances.

At the upper end of the island we saw this mole like tunnel across the beach headed into the dunes.  Something was burrowing under the sand.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Number 4!!

The nesting season is really getting going now; we found our fourth nest of the season this morning just above the beach entrance.

Weekend traffic on the beach didn't deter this turtle

Found it!

Hunter got to collect the eggshell

Nest 4 
Further up the island between Marker 8 and 9 we came across another crawl - but this one didn't turn out to the a nest. The tracks from this crawl very closely matched the false crawl from yesterday at the jetty. They are a little unusual, not the normal loggerhead style, but it may be that this mother has problem with one of her flippers making the crawl uneven. We'll see if she returns again.

A big turtle; 1.1 meters wide

Uneven tracks
Several years ago, in 2009, 2011 and 2014, we had a mother turtle who was missing her right rear flipper. Her tracks were similar to the ones we found yesterday and today. We don't think she ever laid a nest but she did make lots and lots of attempts. Missing a rear flipper makes it hard to dig an egg chamber.

Barb and Steve

Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day Nest # 3 and False Crawl # 2

This morning, Monday, May 27, 2019, the walkers found a crawl just below marker 8.
Angelos and Kim found the eggs and processed the nest.  Up ahead, Maddy  and Sherry
had found a false crawl at the jetty. Looks like the same turtle had come in earlier and quickly left, perhaps disturbed by a large cat or nearby campers.
Nest # 3 on a beautiful morning on Waties!!. The walkers also saw a wild turkey and two eagles on the causeway heading home!! What a day!!
Post by Paulette
Pictures by Angelos, Maddy and Sherry
Angelos and Kim working the nest

Eggs found

Kim readying the egg for DNA research

Zoom in and see the marked nest  Nest # 3
The false crawl was found near
the jetty.

Observe the paw prints near the crawl. 

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Thursday AM post

Waties Island second turtle nest is now on the books. It is located in front of marker #4. The ghost crabs must have had a lean winter because before we even probed there were two large ghost crab holes.

We decided to put a crab trap in immediately.  There are now traps to check at nests #1 and #2.

Our new walkers, Samantha Fallone and Roger and Jane Ellen Bonner were delighted to find the egg and hold it for a moment before we took the sample.

Finding a nest always makes it a better day on Waties! 

Monday, May 20, 2019

Monday, May 20th

It was an absolutely stunning day on Waties with the moon on one side of the sky and the sun on the other, a crisp breeze, and delightful company.  It was fun to be with the Monday group.  They all know how to laugh!

We had finished walking the short end when the phone call came in that Maddy and Kim had found a crawl between markers 7 and 8.  It looked like she walked up to the dune and turned around.  Although we did not think it was a nest we did some probing and digging and confirmed our thoughts.  We wanted a nest!

A few more shots to confirm the beauty.  Although we view it once a week at least it never gets old...only grows more dear.

Two additional pictures for the Sunday nest

Patti Landy made these two pictures for the Sunday nest.
The eggs were deep in the soft sand.

Patti's nephew Connor helps collect the DNA sample.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Nest # 1 Sunday May 19

The Sunday walkers found a beautiful crawl and body pit just below Marker 6.
The pit was up against the wall of a sheared off dune in heavy soft sand. Eggs
were found eventually!!
 Post and Pictures by Paulette

A classic crawl to dune wall

She moved a lot of sand and the ghost crabs
told us eggs were there!!!

It took a while to find them though!!

Marked nest

Sunday group with visitor Conor

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Saturday, May 4

First walk of the season for the Saturday volunteers and we were excited to see a number of very interesting things:

A first for me - something I'd never seen and had never head of - a sea robin. It was alive and just at the high tide line. Kaela says they are one of her favorites. Thank you Justin and Kaela for sharing your pictures today.

Sea Robin - see the pectoral fins?
 And then a live whelk which we returned to the ocean...

A Knobbed Whelk

 The puffer fish again ...

Puffer fish
 And a live spider crab on top of a cannonball jelly. Sometimes we see the spider crabs inside the bell of the jellyfish

A lively spider crab on his/her cannonball jelly

It was not backing down either

Angelos found a moon jelly - Remember those disc shaped items that Wednesday's volunteers found? They are part of the moon jelly when it breaks apart.

Underside of a Moon Jelly

A second spider crab further up the island
Also saw lots of hermit crabs nearby
 Those deer don't like the no seeums any more than humans

Heading into the ocean
 A small dead shark...

Shark about to be Ghost Crab breakfast

New volunteer Cherie with her sand dollar - a nice one!

Barb and Steve