Waties Island Nest Count

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Thursday, April 30 - Latest News from Dr Hannides

Dear Waties turtle nesters,

I hope you are reading this message in good health.

The official beginning of the turtle nesting monitoring season is almost upon us and I owe you an update regarding the program you are volunteering with.

The latest communication from SC DNR (April 29, 2020) states, among other things, that:  “Sea turtle nest monitoring activities as of 1 May … must be conducted in isolation unless you are members of the same household. The sea turtle program has talked with many project leaders about how to adjust each project’s beach coverage to the new normal of social distancing. The protocol of social distancing will persist throughout the season.”

Virtual training and survey-taking of your leaders has concluded and we are awaiting for permits to be issued. Getting a proper permit is very important in the case of Waties because Waties is a private island. Access to the island is both a privilege to all of us volunteers and a liability for its owners. We therefore need to receive the DNR permit, issue Letters of Authorization to the patrol leaders, and then request access from CCU, only for the patrol leaders at this point.

Because of these peculiarities of this private location and the SC DNR exigency rules, participation from the rest of the volunteers is currently not possible. As the State and DNR issue new directives and updates to these rules, we will act accordingly, with personal safety and the scope of the permit being paramount.

Until then, keep checking your email address, our blog (http://witurtles.blogspot.com) and our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Waties-Island-Turtle-Watch-182846128434586/) for updates. .

Best wishes!


Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Season 2020 Email from Dr Angelos Hannides, CCU Permit Holder

April 8, 2020

Please see the informative email that Angelos emailed to all of our walkers today.  As many things in our lives have changed, our Sea Turtle patrolling is also impacted.  I know that everyone is excited and biting at the bit to get walking on Waties again, but we must follow the issued directives to ensure that all stay healthy.  As they say "This too shall pass".  I've included some pictures to help remember our wonderful island.

May the Sea Turtle Force be with us all.

Dear Waties turtle nesters,

I hope my message finds you well, healthy and safe.

Firstly, you are receiving this message because you are on our Waties Island Sea Turtle mailing list.  If you wish to be removed from the list and no longer wish to receive communications, or to change your contact info, please send an email to witurtles@gmail.com.  We are sorry to see you go, but understand this is a large commitment.  If you wish to rejoin in the future, again send an email to witurtles@gmail.com.

Regarding the upcoming season, this would be the time when we'd be scheduling our inaugural meeting, ordering t-shirts and hats, and REALLY getting excited about another season of turtle nesting monitoring at our beloved Waties Island.

Given the obvious, things are on hold. To quote the SC DNR Turtle Program’s latest communication:

“SCD​NR staff are working from home and not allowed to conduct field work. Therefore by extension, all activities performed by volunteers in the field on behalf of SCDNR, are also on hold at this time.”

We are monitoring the situation and we will keep you posted. Keep checking your email address, our blog (http://witurtles.blogspot.com) and our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Waties-Island-Turtle-Watch-182846128434586/) for updates.

Best wishes to you and your loved ones!

Angelos Hannides
