Waties Island Nest Count

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Nest 2R emerged and 2 Possible nests

 Very windy but cloudy day.

Nest 2R emerged at day 63 located up the beach near Marker 6.  This nest was relocated closer to Marker 6 to be safe - higher in the dunes.  We relocated 102 eggs, one had been broken during probing,  which was used for the DNA sample.  This nest has also lost a few eggs to ghost crabs.

Notice the large crater (wind blown) to left top of crab hole.  

These are the only hatchling tracks Kim found, they were blown away in a matter of minutes after taking this picture.

We spotted our first crawl right a little after Marker 3.  Actual tracks in the soft sand were wind blown, but we could tell where she came and up in wet sand and found a very wind blown body pit.  We probed but no luck.  The Sunday team has had many false crawls this season but this sure did not look like one.  So we decided this is Possible Nest (PN#7).

Faint crawl to left,   then the body pit shown  below, tracks disappear again until she moves into the wet sand. Her crawl width was 31".


Basically the same thing happened a little farther up the beach between Marker 4 and Marker 5.  Another nice crawl in wet sand, then wind blown body pit, then  tracks disappear until wet sand.  She sure was trying. This crawl also was 31"

Kim and Jean probing and hoping to find nest. No luck so this is Possible Nest #8.

Pictures from Kim, Jean an Sharon

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Two More Nests Have Emerged Overnight!

 Finding a crawl is exciting but knowing that the nest has hatched and emerged is even more exciting! More hatchlings are making their way in the world.

We found that Nest 1, which is 66 days old today, had emerged last night. There were lots of hatchling tracks but also some ghost crab tracks. Those pesky crabs hauled two hatchlings back into the dunes. Luckily, our volunteers followed the drag marks and were able to rescue one hatchling. Felt good to help it along its way. We also saw a strong and vigorous straggler making its way to the ocean. 

Nest 1 - 66 days old

Hatchling tracks :)

The rescued little one

Off they go!

On up the island further, we came upon our second emergence of the day - Nest 4, our "nest with a view" on top of the dunes. It was 53 days old. Not so many tracks visible at this nest; the wind has been erasing some of the evidence. But some tracks were still visible in the areas protected from the wind.

Nest 4 up on the top of a dune

A few tracks visible around the shrub

On the other side of the shrub too

One of our nests this season has been plagued by ghost crabs. We have taken precautions (a screen and traps have been installed) but still they persist. Kaela was a brave soul this morning reaching into the crab tunnel to try to pull it out but nobody was home this morning. 

Several more nests should be emerging soon; Nest 2 had a depression (a precursor to hatching). This is an exciting time for all the volunteers.

Thanks to the team for sharing their photos this morning 😎

Barb and Steve

Friday, July 29, 2022

Friday July 29 Inventory of Nest 3

 Nest 3 emerged on Tuesday, July 26, day 57 of incubation and today we inventoried the contents of the nest.  This nesting mother has made Waties her go to spot. She started laying nests in 2012 with 4 nests, then 5 nests in 2014, and 4 nests in 2016. In 2020, she only laid two nests. Waties is her place, and we hope this is the first of several nests. Today's nest held 119 eggs. 84 hatched, 35 total  unhatched (todays find plus 1 for research and 2 lost to crabs) and 13 live hatchlings released. 70.5% hatch success 

The digging begins. And the sorting
of the shells, hatched and unhatched

We had 84 hatched and 30 unhatched eggs

Plus these two pipped eggs-hatchlings not
quite ready to leave the egg. We reburied
these guys. 

And best of all, we had 13 lively hatchlings
that were ready to start their journey!!

This never gets old

Keela and Jingle found this buoy up near the jetty!!
We had a good day!!
Post by Paulette
Pictures by Paulette, Valerie, Melissa
and Leslie

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Tuesday 7/26. Nest 3 emerges

 Wonderful sight on beach at Nest 3 this morning.  Hatchling tracks all over.   Funny thing about this a Sherrie a new walker and I were talking about exciting part of patrolling is coming up - might see a live hatchling.  She asked if you can tell when a nest emerges.  I explained yes there  usually is a large crater and tracks coming from it.  Well not this morning, as you will see from pictures below there is absolutely no way to tell they emerged at the nest.  As a matter of fact we had a big crab hole and a lost egg  that we took care of at this nest.   Rachel had walked the short end and when she caught up with us asked if saw the emergence at Nest 3.  We thought she was crazy until she showed us the picture above.  She  said couldn't tell at the nest but tracks are over the beach farther down,

Nest 3 lost egg.

Better picture of Nest 3  As you can see all smooth.  Very soft blowing sand and we have had lots of wind
 Look closely you will see tracks.

  Nest 14 another pesky ghost crab hole,but no egg shells found.  We placed crab traps hoping to stop this.. We finished our walk then went back down to Nest 3.  Saw all the tracks and as we were checking them out  when Rachel yells baby turtle on its back.  Sure enough one lone baby in the hot sun  still alive.  Great job by Rachel spotting him!  Took him down to the wet sand and after awhile he perked up.  Let him walk a little into  the surf and off he went.

Sherrie and Rachel were so excited, first experience for them with a live hatching.  All I can say is it never gets old. Great morning!!

Photos by Rachel and Sharon

Monday, July 25, 2022

Monday, July 25th - False Crawl #20

 The day started with a nice brisk wind.  Here's some interesting pictures of some of the sand sculptures we saw today on the lower end

Tree in the dunes      


We had another lady that came in to nest and she had an adventure when she decided to go over to the backside of the dunes.  She came in and due to the wind there were no tracks in the soft sand, so where did she go? We started walking and looking along the dune line, and an area was spotted that looked like she slid back down the dune, before leaving.  It was very close to PN#6 so there was some uncertainly.  Leslie crawled up the dune and spotted her tracks and several places she may have used to rest and/or turn around.  To be certain she did not nest, both Leslie and Erin probed these areas and did not find soft sand, just crunching roots from our probing.

Tracks disappear
Where did she go?

This pic shows incoming & outgoing

Her tracks behind the dunes

Discussing probing

Looking, Probing, Looking




She did crawl around behind the dunes and scrambled up the backside and slid down the front.


You can see where she climbed up the dune - Lorna is standing close to the place


Yes, back to the ocean








We called this a False Crawl due to her tracks coming and leaving - they were very close in length, so we feel she was not there long enough to nest - time will tell.

To help end the day, Lorna found a new toy at the lower end, and the team who walked the long end surprised us with a picture of a rainbow.

Lorna's find today


Saturday, July 23, 2022

Stormy Morning for Nest 20

Lots of thunderstorms this time of the year. Yesterday afternoon was a big one with lots of rain. This morning things looked OK (at least for a while). But off in the distance, clouds were gathering...

Stormy over Cherry Grove

With the weather threatening, we did a very quick check of the island. Up at the top end right in front of Marker 8 we found a new crawl. Looked like another turtle who climbed the dune face and then fell down the back side. And it was...

Marker 8 in the distance

See where Cherie (green shirt) is standing?? Remember that

Over the back side she went

Crawled along the back side looking for a way back to the ocean

Didn't look like any nesting had taken place, but we did a little probing anyway. Well, only a few probes and we found a soft spot! Very close to where Cherie is standing in the photo above!

Jackie and Kaela

Found it!

Our 20th nest of the season at the top of the dunes.

Nest 20 - high and dry

Thanks to the whole team for all their help this morning. And a big thanks to Cherie and Betsy for sharing their photos. 

Now time to get off the beach!!

Barb and Steve