Waties Island Nest Count

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Inventory Season Starts!

Hard to believe that it is already time for inventories - where did the season go? I know, it's not over yet but we're on the downside.

Anyway, this morning we conducted an inventory of Nest 1 which was laid on May 19. It emerged on day 67 with only a crater as evidence. Rainstorms had erased any evidence of hatchling tracks.

This nest did lose a few eggs to those ghost crabs; seems like they know when a nest is about to hatch and take advantage of it.

Some hatchling tracks were visible this morning.  

The inventory was quick: two live hatchlings were found near the bottom of the nest but they were very lively, scrambling around the bucket while we finished the excavation.

The final count was 87 hatched eggs, 23 unhatched and those two live hatchlings (no dead ones thankfully). The hatch ratio was just over 74% which isn't bad.

Steve was escorting the two hatchlings into the water. The tide was very low.

Both made it into the water and were swimming well. Hope they make it!

Barb and Steve

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