Waties Island Nest Count

Friday, July 31, 2020

Thursday, July 29

I had checked the nests but one (all is well) when we came upon nest #16 between MM 6 & 7. Sje came in and out and laid her eggs.  Very efficient and tidy.  

Our friends (?) the ghost crabs wanted to be the first ones to greet our newly laid eggs!

As you can see from the pictures above the nest was below the spring high tide line.  A decision was made to relocate the nest.  There is very little beach left as you approach MM 7.

We dug up 93 eggs and used one for the DNA research sample.  So 92 more new turtles are incubating
in their relocated nest, #16R!  It was fascinating.  The eggs were wet.  Paulette informed us that it is the cloaca and means the nest was very recently made.  Part of the mother was still with them!  This was our first relocation and we got a great education...both hands on and with input from Leslie, Barb and Paulette. As we laid the sand that had been at the bottom of the bucket onto the eggs in their new home I reassured them that their Mommy was with them, covering them.  A blessing!

Flossie and Bill

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Second Inventory - Wonderful !

Nest 2, laid on 5/24 almost at the  end marker 9 was relocated to marker 6.  There were 104 eggs laid originally and it emerged on day 63.   When we arrived this morning there was a crater and two ghost crab holes.
Lots of tracks

Over the 66 days this nest lost a few eggs due to ghost crabs, which everyone hates to see.  
We were happily  surprised when  digging to find 10 alive.  They might not have made it, sand was very clumpy and hard in places.  I had to carefully loosen their flippers so they could move. Once out they became quite lively and looked very healthy.

  Photo by Leslie

 They kept going to the light (sun rays) which was to the right, but finally  made it.

Good results!
86 hatched  - 18 unhatched
82.6% hatch ratio

Sharon, Leslie & Paulette

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Inventory Season Starts!

Hard to believe that it is already time for inventories - where did the season go? I know, it's not over yet but we're on the downside.

Anyway, this morning we conducted an inventory of Nest 1 which was laid on May 19. It emerged on day 67 with only a crater as evidence. Rainstorms had erased any evidence of hatchling tracks.

This nest did lose a few eggs to those ghost crabs; seems like they know when a nest is about to hatch and take advantage of it.

Some hatchling tracks were visible this morning.  

The inventory was quick: two live hatchlings were found near the bottom of the nest but they were very lively, scrambling around the bucket while we finished the excavation.

The final count was 87 hatched eggs, 23 unhatched and those two live hatchlings (no dead ones thankfully). The hatch ratio was just over 74% which isn't bad.

Steve was escorting the two hatchlings into the water. The tide was very low.

Both made it into the water and were swimming well. Hope they make it!

Barb and Steve

Monday, July 27, 2020

Monday, July 27

Started out the day seeing our first fishing boat.  The occupant was taking pictures and hopefully catching fish.  A beautiful sight!

There were no crawls today.  

I found one of our buckets in between MP 3 & 4. It had trash in it.  I looked behind 4 & 6 and found those buckets to be there.  There were no buckets missing at the entrance so we went down to MP8 and found its rightful place.  Someone carried a bucket a long way.

And of course there is the beauty!

Flossie and Bill

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Thursday, July 23

Very still, hot, humid and sweaty morning.  Still my senses love the sights, smells and sounds. All was basically calm.  There was a large hole right by the reed on #1 nest.  We put in a ghost crab trap and searched thoroughly for shells.  I even looked for dead turtles.  The nest is near emergence.  No hatchling tracks yet though.  

Then it was all beauty!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Suprise on Sunday 7/19

Quiet hot morning and I am almost at the jetty thinking I will be turning around shortly.  I squint and sure enough a nice neat crawl. 

 The crab hole pictured below was fresh so I was working on right side of it, I could not find nest. When Paulette got there she started working  to  left of  crab hole and found nest quickly.  Very deep nest with only 22 eggs plus  4  tiny spacer eggs !

Due to nest being below Spring HT line we relocated nest to M4.

Paulette & Sharon

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Thursday, July 16th

No crawls today but a maintenance day.  All nests were inspected.  Ghost crabs were removed from the traps at #11 and #12. #11 had a hole right by the reed and we lost another egg. It was found in the debris kicked up by the crab.  I buried the egg and noted on #11 card. There also were lots of ants.  I looked for additional eggshells but it rained on the island last night and could find nothing.

Nest #1 which is due to emerge showed no signs of being ready. A ghost crab had made a hole right by the DNR marker but he was confused!

The secondary pole for new #13 had been moved to the left of the nest and closer.  We relocated it 16' behind the reed and noted the change on its card.

We put construction tape around #3.  I believe horses and riders should see it clearly now.

We encountered our nemesis, the balloon, again.  It looks like a jellyfish!

And then there is the beauty of nature!

Flossie and Bill