Started out humid and very foggy. We were walking past M6 when this long crawl was spotted.

She crawled up the dune then headed back down to where she
laid her nest.
She laid her nest in the very dark sand and went straight down to the water.Small turtle, crawl measure was 32".
After probing for some time, Kim found the nest, which had a total of 103 eggs. Because the nest was so shallow (7" deep) one egg was broken during probing. It was used for the DNA sample.
Nest #2R (R because we relocated it)
The original nest was laid not far from M6. Kim chose to move it 50' closer to M6, and because of the high tides on Waties chose a higher spot on the dune.
False crawl up past M #7. This crawl is 35", so we had two different ladies on the beach. She went up, hit a dune and turned right around.

Third crawl right up past second crawl. Because this crawl also measured 32", we think it is FC for our nesting turtle. She came right up went right back down, no body pit or thrown sand.
Very proud of the Sunday team! They did a great job today with heat, humidity, fog and tide coming in. Special thanks to Barb for supplying one of the pictures and for Leslie coming out to help.
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