A most pleasant morning on Waties. Yippee, Nest #1 Emerged on day 64. Information on the inventory will be forthcoming.
Our first 2019 nest inventory for Nest #2 was done and is in the books. Nest#2 was laid on Thursday, 5/23/2019 and emerged on day 57. The inventory was done by the Monday Walkers along with Steve, Paulette, Kinsey, and Lynn who joined us. Nest #2 had a total of 122 eggs, 114 hatched eggs, 7 unhatched eggs, 5 live hatchlings, and sorry to report we had 2 dead hatchlings found in the nest. The 5 hatchlings were released to the ocean. We had sacrificed one egg for DNA research when the nest was first found. The hatch success ratio for this nest was quite good - 93.4%.
Many thanks to Maddy and Kim for the pictures, and Lynn, Kinsey, Maddy, and Janice who assisted in the nest digging and sorting of eggs.
Beautiful sunrise |
Hatchling Tracks from Nest #1 |
Hatchling tracks from Nest #1 |
The inventory process begins
Go, baby, go |
The outcome - inventory results |
Swim, swim! |
Another heads to the ocean
A job well done |
End of a good morning . . . |
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