With every intention of opening up the false crawl near MM 2, below the entrance, we headed for the beach. As we started to cross the causeway, we were rewarded with the most beautiful sunrise. ![]()
We split up. Joe and Nancy and Bobby and Debbie went to check on nest 8 and later reported that there still was no sign that anything was happening with it.
Steve H., Truman and Shirley, Dave and I and Karen Huntley went to see if the depression Dave had spotted awhile back below the entrance was something more than a ghost crab hole with some sand blown in it.
Shirley and Karen donned their gloves and started to dig. What a surprise!!!!
Shirley pulled up an egg!! We shouted, "We have another nest!" We were excited. The No-see-ums were jumping all over us.
Quickly, we counted the eggs: 103 hatched and 3 unhatched totaling 106 eggs. No hatchlings. We started to put the shells back in the nest and remembered the shell for DNA.
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