The nest is opened up. Right from the beginning, unhatched eggs are found.
As they progress, and further into the nest, a hatchling that did not make it is found.
The final results of nest one's inventory: 83 hatched, 32 unhatched for a total of 115 eggs. (Two hatchlings did not make it.)
Hatch success ratio = 71.5%
Slightly lower than our yearly average for last season.
Mean hatch success for our 14 nests in 2013 was 74.2%. We still have 6 more nests to go with a possibility of 1 or 2 more nests.
Barb is seen here recording the results which will then be entered into a state data base.
The contents of the nest are returned to nature.
Bill collects the gloves to make sure they are not left on the beach.
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