Waties Island Nest Count

Thursday, November 2, 2023

November 2nd - GoFundMe information for Dr. Shamblin

 Since periodically I am asked by readers of our Waties Island Blog and Facebook page about wanting to make a donation, I am going to share this information.

The Isle of Palms/Sullivan’s Island Turtle Team has set up a Go Fund Me account to assist in the effort to raise money for Dr. Brian Shamblin and the sea turtle genetics project.  Dr Shamblin lost his federal funding after 12 years.  This program benefits loggerhead conservation but also gives sea turtle organizations really interesting info about our nesting females that we can share at inventories.

We have been asked to share this information to anyone who loves sea turtles as much as we do to help benefit his work.   If you want all of your donation to go to the turtle project, please know that the “tip” that this website encourages is not mandatory.

Many thanks for your interest
