Waties Island Nest Count

Friday, May 29, 2020

Friday, May 29, 2020 - No Nest, No crawls

Not much happening on the island today.  Started out as another gray day, low hanging clouds - possible chance of rain, but we got lucky again and the sun came out before we left the island.

We had to cover a few ghost crab holes in one of our new nests.  I did find another boat - and a sand dollar.  We did get to see 4 flying Pelicans, love the way they soar up over the dunes and down the beach.

Enjoy the pictures - Paulette & Leslie
Gray Morning over the marsh

The dunes at the jetty - sun is really trying

Looked a little threatening - but not rain today

I Spy - a blue crab "hiding" in the metal hull
 that is one the beach

Treasures today - yellow boat and Sand Dollar

Good Bye - tomorrow is another day

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Oh, Happy Day!!!

Got on the island this morning and said, "I got a feeling."  I should have said, "I've got a BIG feeling!" Two nests!!!
I had just begun my walk down the long end and there the tracks were at MM3!  The tracks were so fresh and because it was low tide they ran so far out into the ocean that I found myself waving goodbye to our new mama! It was a beautiful sight.  Nest #3.

We had probed #4 first (between MM 4 & 5) and hadn't had any luck.  We went and found the nest at #3 and set up that site.  We decided to go back to #4 and probe again especially in grassy area. On practically the first probe we had found it. At this site they were right over the nest.  This nest had been laid earlier in the night.

It was quite a fulfilling morning...and glorious!

Flossie and Bill Chapman

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Wednesday, 5/27/20

Very raining morning, but Leslie and I got the job done. Nothing to report, but here are a few pictures.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Happy Memorial Day

Cool morning with a light breeze on Waties this morning.  Great walking conditions.  The tide was low so there was lots of beach to walk.  We did not find a crawl/nest.  Thankful that we have two already! They both were safe and sound. The sign between #1 and #2 has been a little battered by the elements but remains in tact.

Bill took some beautiful pictures.

Flossie and Bill

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sunday May 24  False Crawl and Nest 2R
Today the walkers found a crawl
right at marker 9. This crawl
looked like the false crawl found Saturday. On further
up the beach, a crawl and body pit were discovered.
This time, she was on the beach for a long time and
laid her eggs. Since this is an area of the beach with no
space for dry sand during the very high tides, we moved
the eggs to a wide beach near Marker 6. 103 eggs were
Pictures by Paulette,
Sharon and Leslie
Notice the crawl length. She didn't stay long.
Now, this is better. The outgoing crawl indicates
she was on the beach  for a long time.
Nice body pit but the eggs were
well hidden

Sharon is ready to move the nest.
104 eggs found. 103 moved to high ground

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Turtle Action Today

Well, action, but not the exact type of action we like best: This morning we found a crawl at the upper end of the beach close to Marker 9. There isn't really much beach up there when the tide is high and there was a concern that if it was a nest, we might need to move it to a safer location.

But it turned out to be a trial run - a false crawl - but often times, the mother turtle will make another attempt soon, maybe even tonight!

A turnaround - no digging anywhere

The tracks are close in length 

She made it up the side of the dune before turning around

Maybe tonight she'll be back!

Barb and Steve

Friday, May 22, 2020

Friday, May 22, 2020 - No Brilliant Sunrise, No storms, No Nests

Well, action, but not the exact type of action we like best: This morning we found a crawl at the upper end of the beach close to Marker 9. There isn't really much beach up there when the tide is high and there was a concern that if it was a nest, we might need to move it to a safer location.

But it turned out to be a trial run - a false crawl - but often times, the mother turtle will make another attempt soon, maybe even tonight!

A turnaround - no digging anywhere

The tracks are close in length 

She made it up the side of the dune before turning around

Maybe tonight she'll be back!

Barb and Steve

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Wednesday, May 20th - no nests, just a cool morning walk

Nothing exciting today, gray, overcast cool morning.  We got a good leg work out, since we walked during a high tide.  The soft sand will give your calves a good workout.  Not a large amount of trash, the normal, sunglasses - both full and pieces, a token balloon, and pieces of plastics, hats and Styrofoam.

Lots of birds, we had skimmers, plovers, sanderlings, and gulls keeping us company this morning.

I included pictures for those who are not yet able to walk with the leaders and missing their walks on Waties.  I find the shifting sand fascinating - last week you could see the car chassis by Hog Inlet, now it is almost covered up again.  The sailboat was almost totally covered, and now the silver handrails are exposed.

Pictures compliments of Sharon Turek and Leslie P

REMINDER:  If you walked last year, PLEASE submit your filled out  and signed  DNR Form -  this is a new DNR form, so everyone who wishes to walk MUST have this form submitted to Angelos.

Cool, gray morning

This guy, wants to be famous, he was posing for Sharon

Interesting sand sculpture - the eyes are ghost crab holes

The car chassis is in the foreground, almost all covered up by the shifting sand

Yes, he followed to Hog Inlet - still posing

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

First Nest of 2020!

A cool cloudy morning after the overnight showers. Walking up the beach into the wind was nice and cool. The tide was just starting to recede.

Small ray that washed up overnight

At Marker 7 we saw the first crawl of the season! The turtle was on the beach before the overnight rains making her track width hard to measure. They were approximately 2 feet, 10 inches wide.

Nest 1 tracks

The nest pit looks good!

Steve starting to probe

Found it! DNA sample

Nest #1 

The DNA Sample Vial
First of the season

Skimmers in flight

There were lots of skimmers out there this morning; they are lovely to watch.

Barb and Steve