Waties Island Nest Count

Monday, May 30, 2016

NEST #3 - Monday, May 30, 2016

 Nest # 3 Monday, May 30, 2016

More activity today on the island: the volunteers had just about finished their patrol but when they reached Marker 9, there was a crawl!  And not just one, but two crawls, one on top of the other. The turtle made her way up over the dune and then headed back out to the water only to return to the same spot again.  She laid a very shallow nest just high enough in the dunes that we didn't need to relocate it.

A DNA sample was taken from one of the eggs that was broken during the probing - the eggs were only about 6 - 8 inches below the surface while normally they are between 12 and 18 inches deep.

Post and picture by Leslie - using Barb's email notice

The body pit

She made it over the dune

Kim and Janice start digging for the egg chamber
Several of the top eggs were broken, these were saved and reburied 

DNA Sample

Kim and Janice - job well done

Monday walkers - we had a wonderful start for Memorial Day

Friday, May 27, 2016

False Crawl Friday, May 27, 2016

Walkers found a crawl between marker 5 and 6 this morning,
May 27. She muscled her way up a steep little dune and tried
to situate herself, but I think she was too big for the space!!
Bill and I probed, but found no eggs. We are marking this as
a possible nest because she spent some time in this spot.
Crawl width was very large. 39 inches. Hope she comes
back tomorrow!!
Post by Paulette
Pictures by Maddy
Large tracks up to and onto small dune

Small body pit for a large turtle. We don't think she nested.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

2 False crawls - Thursday 5/26/16

Two false crawls, Thursday 5/26/16 near marker 9

NEST # 2 - Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Nest # 2 Wednesday, May 25
This nest was discovered between Marker 1 and
Marker 2 well above the high tide line. A beautiful
body pit and a great spot for our Waties loving
turtle!! Hope she will return in two weeks.
Post by Paulette
Pictures by Nancy
Track was long!!
Body Pit
Egg cavity was easy to find
Egg for DNA research
Now we watch
Linnea, Harriette, Nancy
This is her special signature track

False crawl - Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016 False Crawl
A false crawl was discovered by Leslie and Karen Adams
near Marker 5. The turtle came up to the dune wall and
Post by Paulette
Pictures by Leslie

Sunday, May 22, 2016

"My Love of Waties"

Click on the sign, to enlarge. Then click again, to advance.