Waties Island Nest Count

Friday, June 19, 2015

False Crawl #6

At the beginning of our walk, just before MM4 and our first nest, we spotted a crawl and what looked like a nest,

We called Dave and Keela to let them know and then made a call to Barb and Steve and continued to make our way to the top of the island.

Lo and behold, the turtle tracks weren't the only tracks we found on the beach.  Further up the beach we found a pair of critter tracks.

Back to the nest...we determined the in-coming and out-going track and measured the width at 30".

The site looked good for a nest.  We probed and probed, dug and dug, but no eggs and we reluctantly marked it FC #6.

Monday, June 15, 2015

False crawl # 4

This morning's walkers found a set of tracks at the upper end of the Island, just past Marker 9. Even though there was a hole found, no nest cavity was located. It was hypothesized that she dug the hole a little bit, but stopped because the sand was too dense to continue digging.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

False Crawl #3 was discovered on Tuesday, June 9
near the site of Nest #1, between marker 2 and 3

Sunday, June 7, 2015

False Crawl 2

This morning we discovered our 2nd false crawl of the season above Marker 4. These tracks could have easily been missed if we were not walking near the high tide line!

Nest #1 gentle high tide washovers occurred on
June 5 and June 6

Saturday, June 6, 2015

No new sightings, but interesting low tide photos

Photographed seven different star fish!

The South end has changed so much since last year.




You can't see me!

This crab has his own Tiki Hut

Photo entry by Regena Heilmann