Waties Island Nest Count

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Nest 1 - May 27, 2013

Barb probing
Nancy probing

Nancy digging for egg

Egg for DNA study

Monday walkers happy with the first nest of the season!

Monday, May 27, 2013

What a Wonderful Sight!

Our first nest! This is truly a Memorial Day to remember!!

 This Mom had a very long crawl!

She wandered a bit before deciding where to lay her eggs  

Karen is probing!

More pictures soon......they seem to be stuck in my phone!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend on Waties

A beautiful morning on the causeway...

The moon over Cherry Grove

And lots of interesting things on the beach Saturday morning.  
Sea pork
A squid!
Barnacles too
A pen shell

This can had been in the water a long time

A fuzzy little crab...

Anybody know what this purple stuff is?

Whelk egg cases

Big sky country 

Do we have a coyote on the beach??

  A very large egg (maybe pelican?) - it was in the surf 

Next we want to see some turtle tracks!

Barb and Steve

Sunday, May 12, 2013

2013: Update from the Beach

It is great to be back walking on Waties again -- surprisingly, there is less small trash on the beach this spring, but the large pieces seem to balance that out.  Pat is checking out part of a floating dock on the upper end of the beach.

There was one lone Portuguese man o'war on the Hog Inlet end of the beach this morning.  We don't usually see these creatures until the water is much warmer in late summer.  Wikipedia has some info that makes interesting reading.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_man_o'_war

Don't touch their tentacles!

Lot of jellyfish on the beach too, both cannonball jellies and moon jellies.  This was a big one; see the sand dollar for size comparison.

Please post your own photos and tales on the blog for others to share.  Thanks,

Barb and Steve